ChatGPT’s Response to My Blog on “AI will kill Data Democratization!”

One of my friends asked chatGPT to respond to my article titled “Is Data Democratization Going to Die with AI (e.g. ChatGPT)?

In my blog, I argued that if AI chatbots become the first destination where users ask their questions, then experts – whose knowledge is being used by AI – may need to license their information for AI to crawl it. Otherwise, the very purpose of sharing or creating content – monetization of some form – is lost.

Here is the response from ChatGPT with a few comments from me in blue.

Chagpt, Can you write an article countering the points highlighted by the author?

Sure, I can write an article that presents an opposing viewpoint to the arguments put forth by the author of “Dancing the Digital Tune.” While the author expresses concern about the impact of AI and data democratization on experts and their ability to monetize their knowledge, I believe that these developments offer many new opportunities for experts to reach wider audiences and generate revenue.

Firstly, it’s important to note that AI and data democratization are not threats to expertise, but rather they are tools that can help to amplify the voices of experts. While it’s true that AI chatbots and search engines can provide quick, common knowledge answers to simple queries, they are no substitute for deep expertise and experience. As the author notes, when facing a complex problem that requires nuanced solutions, it’s often the advice of a seasoned expert that can be most valuable.

Agreed, although my argument was that as AI evolves and trains on more data, it will be able to use these nuanced solutions also in its own solutions. So Experts need to consider the scenario when they are disintermediated. they should license their knowledge, not allow AI to train on it for free. AI has already disintermediated common-knowledge providers as chatGPT itself acknowledged.

Furthermore, data democratization can actually be a boon for experts as it enables them to reach new audiences that may not have been accessible before. In the past, experts could only share their knowledge through traditional publishing channels like books, conferences, and journals. However, with the rise of the internet, social media, and content marketing, experts can now reach a much wider audience than ever before. By sharing their insights and expertise online, they can connect with people all over the world and build their reputations as thought leaders in their fields.

Moreover, the proliferation of AI and data-driven technologies has created many new opportunities for experts to monetize their knowledge. Rather than being threatened by these developments, experts can use them to their advantage. For example, many experts are now offering online courses, webinars, and consulting services that use AI and data-driven technologies to provide customized solutions to clients. By leveraging these tools, experts can offer personalized, high-value services that would have been impossible to provide in the past.

Agreed. But this wasn’t the point of the blog. Moreover, I use AI too and am thankful for how it makes me more efficient. I am not against AI, just the point that the rightful content owners aren’t being compensated.

Finally, the idea that experts need to put their knowledge behind a paywall to protect it from AI and data democratization is misguided. While it’s true that some experts may choose to monetize their knowledge in this way, it’s not the only option available. By sharing their knowledge openly and building their reputations as thought leaders, experts can attract new clients and generate revenue in a variety of ways. Moreover, as the author notes, companies like Facebook are already allowing creators and experts to monetize their original content, and there are many other platforms and tools that experts can use to monetize their knowledge.

Yes, but not true if customers ask their AI chatbot first, which was the point of the article.

In conclusion, while the rise of AI and data democratization may pose some challenges for experts, they also offer many new opportunities to reach wider audiences and monetize their knowledge. Rather than being threatened by these developments, experts should embrace them and use them to their advantage. By building their reputations as thought leaders, offering personalized services, and leveraging the power of AI and data-driven technologies, experts can continue to thrive in the digital age.

Agreed, and add in this, “and experts should also consider striking deals with AI companies to credit or compensate them”.

So that’s chatGPT’s response. Very coherent although missing the actual point of the article. That won’t be for long though. It’s amazing how far AI has come already. Kudos to Open AI.


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